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Enterprise Committee

This year, our Arundale Enterprise Committee Team is a group of 5, Year 5 pupils. They have been working super hard to think of and share ideas, communicate and team build. We have regular meetings to chat and think about their future and the skills they have to develop on to build a career by investigating jobs. We also look into the salaries and wages of different jobs/careers and how to work towards achieving their goals in the future.


In our Enterprise lessons, we focus on Mathematics, we work on our Maths vocabulary, money management/budgeting, bank statements, tax and insurance, profit and loss and real-life money handling and problem solving.


Our responsible and ambitious team use their Entrepreneurship skills often to help out around school in events by advertising and promoting them and by helping sell items on stalls. They have brilliant communication and managerial skills to help undertake tasks.


We see enterprise as a way to foster and develop core skills in real situations; to promote education for citizenship; to enhance pupil’s personal and social development; to provide opportunities for pupils to make informed choices and decisions. We always encourage each other to take part in building our school ethos.


We define enterprise capability as innovation, creativity, risk-management and risk-taking, and a can-do attitude and the drive to make ideas happen.

Here are the thoughts of our Enterprise Committee:

Each week, as an Enterprise Committee, we discuss and decide upon different enterprise ideas to use in our business selling snacks during break times. This is to gather funds for our school development and we collect the money together so that we can use it to improve our school in some way.

We are encouraging the rest of school to eat healthily and have chosen healthy options to sell at the Snack Shack. Also, we help the children who have not had breakfast in the mornings before they come to school by offering healthy snacks.

Here are some of the items we sell at the Snack Shack:
