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Welcome to our EYFS page. Our EYFS lead is: Mr McCarthy

“When we succeed in giving every child the best start in their early years, we give them what they need today. We also set them up with every chance of success tomorrow.” Development Matters Sept 2020


The Early Years Foundation Stage at Arundale School focuses on the distinct needs of children aged 3 to the end of the Reception Year in primary school.

In our Foundation Unit, children are cared for and provided with a stimulating and challenging environment to try to give them the best possible start to their education. In partnership with their family and carers, we enable them to begin the process of becoming active learners for life.

Every child has a right to grow up safe, healthy, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution and achieving economic well-being. Intent The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) applies to children from birth to the end of their Reception Year.

In our school, children join us from three years of age. Compulsory schooling begins at the start of the term after a child’s fifth birthday. Key Stage 1 begins for our children at the beginning of Year 1. The EYFS is important in its own right, and in preparing children for later learning. The Early Years Framework set out through the Early Learning Goals what is expected of most children by the end of the EYFS. The Early Years education we offer our children is based on the following principles:  It builds on what our children already know and can do; developing self-esteem, confidence, social skills and independence.  it ensures that no child is excluded or disadvantaged;  it offers a structure for learning that has a range of starting points, content that matches the needs of young children and activities that provide opportunities for learning both indoors and outdoors;  It provides a rich and stimulating environment that enables the development of positive attitudes to learning, trust, curiosity and friendships.  It enables children to make an effective transition from home to school. Effective practice in the EYFS is built on the following four guided themes, which are broken down into four commitments:

 A unique child

 Positive relationships

 Enabling environments

 Learning and development


Teaching and learning style

Teaching and learning in the early years curriculum is carefully planned and structured to meet individual needs. We plan as a team, organising a range of experiences and opportunities based on ‘real’ events, which give children chance to make decisions and choices, work individually or in groups and explore the learning environment. We organise the curriculum into areas of Continuous Provision, which are enhanced by mini topics and are linked to all seven areas of learning. 

Reception Long Term Curriculum Overview
