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Year 3


Welcome to Year 3's Class Page

Summer 1 Term 

This half term, we have many exciting things planned. Our  topic is ‘What was Tudor Life Like?’.  In this History based topic children will learn about all aspects of life in the Tudor times. They will be able to place the Tudor Time period along a time line and identify key differences between the daily life of those who were rich or poor. We will also learn about Henry VIII and why he had so many wives!


In English we will be working on the story 'Journey' by Aaron Becker. This beautiful, wordless book shows the story of an ordinary girl who draws a magic door on her bedroom wall - and escapes on an extraordinary journey of magic, danger and adventure! The book will lead us on wonderful discussions including some fabulous descriptions using the best words we know. We will use role-play, make predictions, perform conscience-alleys, write dialogue and text for the pages and finally make and use a story-map to become authors, creating our own stories based on this one. 


 In Maths we will be working on Fractions and Money. Each week in class, we will also spend time learning our times tables. Children should be confident with their 3s, 4s and 8s (as well as 2s, 5s and 10s) by the time they leave Year 3. We will practice, including outside of our daily maths lessons, by playing times tables games including Around the World, and will complete our weekly times tables test each Wednesday - Quick Maths, (where the children will get a chance to progress onto the next times table by answering 40 questions in 4 minutes!). Children will get certificates to bring home when they get all 40 questions right! They will also bring home their marked and corrected weekly test sheets so parents can see, at home, how your child is performing and which times table facts they need to be practicing.


Please spend some time practicing times tables at home with your child, looking at their weekly Quick Maths sheet together and seeing how they're doing, and using Times Table Rockstars to help with this. We have regular Times Tables Rockstars tournaments within our class and against other classes in school too so the children can get playing and answering questions correctly to score points for their team!


Reading and library books and reading records must be in school every day. Children should be reading at home a few times each week and having their reading record signed by a grown up.


Homework will continue to be set on the Century app. Please make sure children are completing 'teacher set' tasks  on the Century app. They can complete learning tasks on their individual pathway too. Tasks are set each Monday and due the following Thursday. Spellings will be given each Friday for a spelling test the following Friday.


P.E kits will be needed on Wednesdays for this. P.E. this half term.  We are fortunate to be having P.E. lessons with a Sports Coach. Please ensure your child is equipped with the correct P.E. kit. Indoor P.E. kit consists of a white t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps.


All uniform and PE kits, including pumps, should have names in them. If your child wears earrings (small studs only please) then they need to be removed for these lessons.


Please take a look at our Long Term plan below and also our Knowledge Organisers which will give you an insight into what we are teaching in class this term and how you may be able to support your child's learning at home.  


As usual, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact myself or Miss Ryan.


Year 3 Knowledge Organiser Summer 1
