Welcome everyone to Spring 2
Welcome back to our wonderful Nursery children!
We hope you've had a lovely half term break and have enjoyed spending time with your families and friends. We are excited to hear what you have all been doing over the holiday. Busy Bee will be helping the children to share their news at circle time. The children are getting really good at using big voices and sentences when speaking to the class.
The topic for this half term is 'GROWING'! You can find a copy of our Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser on our class page and on Dojo.
We will be learning about what plants need to grow and how to care for plants in our Nursery garden. We will be reading lots of stories about growing, including 'Jack And The Beanstalk', which is our traditional tale for this half term. We are going to plant seeds of our own and hopefully have some lovely flowers to take home.
Nursery children will be learning about the seasonal changes and Spring weather. We love being outdoors and whenever possible we will spend time learning in the fresh air, in our extended classroom. Please provide a suitable outdoor coat each day. The weather can be very changeable at this time of year so check the weather forecast and dress your child accordingly. Hopefully things will warm up soon!
Just a polite reminder to please put names in cardigans and jumpers to avoid any confusion. We have a few spare jumpers if anyone requires one. Please just let us know.
Book bags should be brought to school every day. The children are beginning to recount their stories in more detail and some children are even using character voices and dialogue. We have several children who have moved onto our lilac books over the past half term, and I'm certain that we will have more very soon. Keep up the good work! All the shared reading at home is paying off. Thank you parents and carers.
We are really enjoying our daily Read-Write-Inc phonics lessons and the children are beginning to recognise some speed sounds. It is important that children arrive at Nursery at the correct time, as our lessons begin promptly each day.
Thank you for checking out our Dojo Page. We try to post lots of lovely photos so you can see what the children have been learning whilst in Nursery. You can send photos and messages back to us so we can see how the children are practicing their skills at home too.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. You can message us via Class Dojo or speak to us at the end of the school day.
Mrs. Suthern and Miss. Fleming