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Year 4

Autumn Term - Welcome to Year 4!



As we begin this academic school year, I would like to welcome all parents and carers to our class page. I am looking forward to this coming year and hope your child is too.


Our first topic in Year 4 is 'Let's Explore London'. This is a Geography and history based topic which builds on previously taught knowledge from Key Stage 1. We will study physical and human feature of London, research facts about Landmarks and learn about transport rotes around the busy capital city. The artist we will be researching and studying is 'Stephen Wiltshire'. In art lessons we will concentrate on drawing and sketching techniques and look at shade and tone as well as constructing 3D landmarks.


We will complete English and Maths lessons during the morning sessions of our school day.

Our learning in English, will be based upon the book, Gorilla by Anthony Browne. Children begin their English lessons looking at poetry before moving on to writing their own narrative based around the shared text. 

Our Maths lessons will be based upon consolidating knowledge of number and place value from Year 3 to develop confidence and fluency to solve reasoning problems at a higher level. This year, all children will be taking part in a statutory times tables check. Multiplication will be practised frequently in school and encouraged to be practised at home too in preparation for this test.


During the afternoons, pupils will enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum, covering: Science, Computing, History, Geography, Art, PE, Languages (Spanish), Music, Design Technology, PSHE and RE during the afternoons. Please see a copy of our knowledge organiser which is displayed on Dojo, in the classroom window and also on this class page.



Children will have tasks to complete each week on Century (online platform) as well as regular reading, TT Rockstar practise and spellings to learn.  All homework tasks will be set on a Friday and due the following Friday- this includes Century tasks and spellings. If your child is struggling with a piece of homework, please encourage them to ask us for support. Children should also be reading every night – this may be from their banded reading book or a library book. Please record these home reads in their reading diaries. The completion of homework will be monitored.

I will be running a homework club during break time on a Friday morning for children to complete any homework they can't or haven't completed at home. 



This year, all Year 4 pupils will get to go swimming! These lessons will take part at Hyde Leisure Centre in their teaching pool. The children's first lesson will begin on Monday 9th September and then will be weekly until further notice. For these lessons, children will need a swimming kit, consisting of; swim wear (girls- costume- no tankinis or bikinis. Boys trunks -no shorts), a swimming cap (for long hair) and a towel. No goggles will be allowed unless they are for medical reasons and proof will be required).
Our sports session will take place on a Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure your child is equipped with the correct P.E. kit. PE kits should be black shorts, plain white t-shirt and black pumps (trainers, black or grey joggers are only acceptable for outdoor sports). If we are indoors we are strictly only allowed to wear pumps. Please refer to our uniform policy for more information.

If your child wears earrings, they need to be removed for these lessons (sports and swimming).

*Please note that  PE is part of the school curriculum and children are expected to take part in every lesson unless medical evidence is provided*


We will continue to use Class Dojo as a way of celebrating the children’s successes, good behaviour choices and as a communication tool. If you would like to share any successes at home on here, please feel free to do so.


Please don't hesitate to speak to myself or Miss Davies if you have any queries.


Mrs Hulland and Miss Davies

Year 4 Timetable


Monday- swimming kit AND PE kit required.

Friday- Homework needs to have been completed by today.





Year 4 Knowledge Organiser
