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Year 5

Year 5 - Summer 1 - Newsletter


Welcome back 




This half term our topic is 'Caring for our World', this geography focussed unit is aimed at raising our pupils awareness of global issues and how we as humans impact our environment. The children will be learning all about the importance of 'reduce, recycle and reuse' when thinking about the products we use frequently and how we can cut down on plastic pollution. The children will link their science work with materials and their properties, as well as their English. 


If you haven't already, please do read through the knowledge organiser with your child – this will help them to understand some of the key information for this term, acknowledge their future learning, build upon prior learning, whilst developing new knowledge and skills. 


Our English text, 'Paperbag Prince' by Colin Thompson, is a text which calls into thought the wasteful nature of today's society. During English lessons this half-term we will be building up our knowledge and writing skills of persuasion, by completing a persuasive leaflet as well as other short persuasive texts. 


In Maths, we will be developing our knowledge of shape, position & direction, decimals and converting measurement. 


We will be holding another parent workshop this term which we would love for you to join us. We will send out the date on the newsletter and also on Classdojo a little closer to the time so you can make plans to join us. 


Weekly reminders:

  • This half term, P.E. takes place on Monday. Please ensure the children have a kit in school on this day although it is helpful if they remain in school throughout the week in case we need to reschedule and for after school clubs.
  • English and Maths homework will be set via Century on Mondays to be handed in by Thursday.
  • Spellings are tested on Friday.
  • Quick Maths test is on Friday.
  • Each day, your child should come to school and come home with their reading book and a library book. They can change these in school as soon as they have been read. Please do encourage them to read regularly and listen to them to read out loud wherever possible.
  • Children should also be maintaining their speed and accuracy with their times tables knowledge - Times Tables Rockstars is available for this purpose.



We are looking forward to our next half-term together and spending time with the children. As always, if you have any questions or concerns at any time, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Mrs Abbass.

Mrs Whitehurst & Mrs Abbass

Year 5 - Timetable

RobinWood Souvenir Form

RobinWood General Risk Assessment

Year 5 Meet the Teacher Expectations
