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Year 6

Take a look at our Knowledge Organiser and Timetable for Spring 2






Year 6 Spring 2 Newsletter



This half-term, Year 6 will begin to explore crime and punishment through the ages. In this history unit, students will broaden their understanding of chronological events beyond 1066 by exploring the social history aspect. The focus will be on examining the development of the Roman justice system, as well as crime and punishment during the Anglo-Saxon, Tudor, and Victorian periods, all the way to modern times. Through this exploration, students will enhance their oracy skills by conducting a comparative analysis of contemporary crime prevention and detection methods versus those used in the past.


In English, we will use this knowledge to support the creation of a diary entry and a narrative inspired by Louis Sachar's Holes, focusing on the main character, Stanley Yelnats, who is unjustly sent to a boys' detention camp. Additionally, students will deepen their understanding of different text genres and historical contexts by studying the notorious highwayman, Dick Turpin.


This half-term, our Science topic is Light. Year 6 will revisit prior knowledge of light and expand on it to gain a deeper understanding, including how Isaac Newton passed light through a transparent prism, splitting it into the colours of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet)—the colours of the spectrum. When combined, these colours form visible light.


During our maths lessons, we will be moving on to area, perimeter and statistics whilst still recapping all of the fundamental skills to build fluency with arithmetic questions.


Please take a look at our Long Term plan below and also our Knowledge Organiser which will give you further insight into what we are teaching in class.


Reading books, library books and reading records must be in school every day. Children should be reading at home a few times each week and having their reading record signed.


To aid learning at home, PLEASE support your child to learn their spellings, practice their ‘arithmetic questions’, read with them every week and keep up with their Century homework tasks.


We encourage all children to spend 30minutes on the Century app each week to build on areas of weakness. Century is a great tool that focuses on the child’s individual ability and will offer help to teach them concepts that they are not yet secure with.


During the run-up to SATs Week (13/5/25), additional homework that is tailored to your child's needs will be set and we ask that you support them with this. It is essential that they complete this extra homework to guarantee success now and in the future.


Spelling Tests will be on a Monday


Arithmetic Tests will be on a Friday

PE will be on a Monday this half-term.


PLEASE make sure your child has their FULL PE KIT in school (outdoor or indoor kit depending on the weather).

All uniform and PE kits, including pumps, should have names in them. If your child wears earrings then they need to be removed for these lessons.

White Tee shirt

Black shorts or pants

Black pumps or trainers (for outside)


If there are any questions about this term, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Mrs Jackson & Mrs Percy

