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Year 6

Take a look at our timetable and the Knowledge Organiser for Autumn 1.




Year 6 Autumn 1 Newsletter




In this first term of Year 6, our topic is ‘Shakespeare’.  In this history based topic, children will be finding out about why Shakespeare is a world renowned playwright and what makes him so unique. Alongside this historical figure, we will research the Tudors and develop and enhance our learning from Year 3. In art, we will be exploring Shakespeare’s famous portrait and investigate the artist’s use of tone, shade and mood.


Our science topic is ‘Evolution and Inheritance', where we will learn the scientific meaning of inheritance, examine the basics of genetic inheritance and explore theories of evolution.


In English, we will be working on the one and only 'Macbeth' by William Shakespeare. Three witches tell the Scottish general Macbeth that he will be King of Scotland. Encouraged by his wife, Macbeth kills the king, becomes the new king, and kills more people out of paranoia. Civil war erupts to overthrow Macbeth, resulting in more death. During this half-term, we explore the features of a non-chronological report and write a report about ourselves. After building confidence with this style of writing, we will research and then write a non-chronological report about William Shakespeare. To finish this unit off, we will immerse ourselves (visually) into the tale of Macbeth, to be able to write an interesting setting, character description and create our own fantasy narrative based on Macbeth.


In Maths, we will work on number and place value of numbers with up to 10 million. We will work on addition and subtraction including missing number questions, rounding numbers, using estimating, mental and written methods to solve problems.



Please take a look at our Long Term plan below and also our Knowledge Organisers which will give you an insight into what we are teaching in class.


Reading and library books will be given out and reading records must be in school every day. Children should be reading at home a few times each week and having their reading record signed.



To aid learning at home, PLEASE support your child to learn their spellings, practice their ‘quick maths’, read with them every week and keep up with their homework booklets!


Spelling Tests will be on a Monday


Quick Maths Tests will be on a Tuesday

PE will be on a Wednesday this half-term. PLEASE make sure your child has their FULL PE KIT in school (outdoor or indoor kit depending on the weather).

All uniform and PE kits, including pumps, should have names in them. If your child wears earrings then they need to be removed for these lessons.

White Tee shirt

Black shorts or pants

Black pumps or trainers (for outside)


If there are any questions about this term, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Mrs Jackson & Mrs Percy


